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Emma Davison and Partners are committed to supporting social work practitioners, students, and service users on an individualised basis, with time, empathy and understanding.
With over 20 years of experience in providing services to children and families, we strive to make a measurable impact in their lives.
Meet Emma Davison, a highly experienced professional in the children and family's sector, with over 20 years of experience.
Emma is qualified in early childhood studies and social work, and has worked in various teams over the years, including child in need, child protection, looked after children and MASH (multi-agency safeguarding children hub) both as a social worker and within management.
She is also a qualified Practice Educator and provides support to social work students and apprentices across all sectors, working with numerous universities and colleges.
Emma also offers mentoring and supervision services to independent social workers, registered managers, and practitioners requiring external supervision or support.

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