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Family Portrait


Emma Davison and Partners are committed to supporting social work practitioners, students, and service users on an individualised basis, with time, empathy and understanding.



With over 20 years of experience in providing services to children and families, we strive to make a measurable impact in their lives. 

Meet Emma Davison, a highly experienced professional in the children and family's sector,  with over 20 years of experience.

Emma is qualified in early childhood studies and social work, and has worked in various teams over the years, including child in need, child protection, looked after children and MASH (multi-agency safeguarding children hub) both as a social worker and within management.

She is also a qualified Practice Educator and provides support to social work students and apprentices across all sectors, working with numerous universities and colleges.

Emma also offers mentoring and supervision services to independent social workers, registered managers, and practitioners requiring external supervision or support.


Emma Davison
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Let's work together towards a better future for everyone. Our aim is to bring about real change and make a impact on the world of social work.

If you are a social work practitioner wishing to explore this further, please contact us on the link below.  

Testimony 1

S.F Social Worker

"I'd like to take the time to thank you for all your support, you have gone above and beyond in supervision and helped me to see my potential when I haven't seen it myself and almost given up!  Your advice and guidance has been so important in my development, and throughout my journey.  I will never forget it".

Testimony 2


"I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for your continued support, feedback and advice throughout my final placement,  I have found our supervision sessions very valuable as they have provided me with the opportunity to continuously reflect on and enhance my social work knowledge and skills.  I am privileged to have been among your students and your guidance has left a lasting impact on my professional development, especially on my critically analytical skills in both my written and practical work".

Testimony 3

O.G Social Worker

"I take this moment to express my deepest gratitude for the invaluable mentorship you have provided me.  Your guidance and support truly made a significant difference in my professional development.  I cannot thank you enough for creating a safe and nurturing environment where I felt comfortable to learn and grow.  There were moments where I felt overwhelmed and close to giving up, but your unwavering encouragement and belief in me gave me the strength and resilience to persevere.  

Your dedication to my development has left a lasting impact on me, and I am incredibly grateful for the knowledge and skills you have imparted.  I feel fortune to have had the opportunity to learn from someone as experienced and compassionate as you".  

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